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Our Story

Our Story:


Oakdale Grace Church was known for many years as a caring church in the Oakdale community of Amarillo. Through the years the church had experienced some decline but a committed group of faithful people remained.


In the Summer of 2014 Oakdale Grace Fellowship was at a crossroads, to remain open and fight for life or to close its doors. Out of this moment came a desire by the existing church members to do all they could to keep the church alive – even if it meant some big changes.


On September 1st, 2014, Scott and Heather Hampton became the new lead pastors of the church and, with the support of the existing congregation, began to make changes in worship, children’s ministry, and outreach. The church experienced an exciting time of growth, with new families joining the church and lives in the community being effected by the Gospel.


In 2015, as a part of this exciting renewed effort, Oakdale Grace Church became Elevate Church and made a commitment to be a church with 3 simple goals: to help people elevate God, elevate others, and elevate themselves.

In 2017, Mathias and Adilene Estrada became the lead pastors of the church, and continue the vision of making Elevate a healthy, growing church that impacts this community.


Elevate Church is an exciting, loving, mission-driven church and we’re so excited that you’ve come to experience all that God is doing here! 


Below you will find links to pages that will tell you more about who we are and why we're here.


The Vision


Our Values


Our Beliefs


Our Pastors


What to Expect


What's Next?


The Vision:

Elevate God - We believe that it is important for God to be glorified in everything that we do. We want people to see God through our lives. We accomplish this when we attend Church, Worship God, Serve Others, and Give.


Elevate Others - We believe that God has called His Church to love and serve the people around us. The Bible is clear that God cares for all people in all situations and we want to do the same. We accomplish through Outreach Events and Service Projects.


Elevate Yourself - We believe that God wants a intimate, daily, and life-long relationship with us that goes far beyond just singing a few songs and attending Church every once in a while. We encourage people to continuously grow in this relationship. We accomplish this through a commitment to personal discipleship, our GROW Discipleship Classes, and in the near future we will be developing eGroups (small groups that meet to continue to grow together).


The Vision

Our Values

  • Found people find people

    • We believe God wants us to pursue people passionately

  • Saved people serve people

    • We believe it’s our job to actively serve the needs of our community

  • Growing people change people

    • We believe in Discipleship that develops mature followers of Christ

  • You can't do life alone

    • We believe that community, family, and church are important aspects to life

  • We get to give

    • We believe it’s a privilege to give our time, gifts, and finances for the Kingdom

  • Our best days are ahead

    • We believe that, no matter the obstacles, we will see greater things

Our Value

Our Beliefs:

That the Bible is the inspired Word of God and authoritative to us today in all manner of life and faith (2 Tim 3:16)


In the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  (Matt 28:19, 1 John 2:22-24, John 14:16-17; 26)


In the total depravity of man and his inability to save himself. (Rom 3:23)


In the born-again experience as received by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. (John 3:3-7, Acts 4:12, Eph 2:8-9)


That genuine salvation is evidenced by a changed life being lived out in the world in which we live. (2 Cor 5:17)


In divine healing as part of the atonement (Isa 53: 4-5, Matt 8:16-17, James 5:14-16)


In the imminent return of Jesus Christ. (1 Thes 4:15-18, Titus 2:13, 2 Pet 1:3-4)


In sanctification that is initiated in regeneration and consummated in glorification. In includes a definite, instant work of grace achieved by faith (Acts 26:18, 1 John 1: 9). Sanctification delivers from the power and dominion of sin. It is followed by life-long growth in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (2 Cor 4:16, 2 Pet 3:18)


In the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8, 2:1-4)


In the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to profit and build up the Body of Christ. (Rom 12:5-8, 1 Cor 12:4-10, Eph 4:11)


In the necessary unity of the Spirit that functions through the diversity throughout the Body of Christ (Eph 4)


In the support of the local church through attendance, tithes and offerings. (Mal 3: 10, 2 Cor 9:6-8)


In spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Matt 28:19-20)


That the fundamental truths of historic Christianity must be conveyed in a manner that does not compromise the Gospel in any fashion, but makes it deeply relevant to the needs of our generation. (Acts 13:36)


Our Beliefs

Our Pastors:

Mathias and Adilene Estrada


Pastor Mathias Estrada is the lead pastor of Elevate Church. He and his wife, Adilene, came to the Church September, 3rd of 2017. Mathias had been a worship leader for 7 years as well as a youth pastor for 3 years. 


Adilene Estrada has also served in worship and youth ministries. She is currently serving as a leader in our connections department and kids ministries. 


They are happy to be in Amarillo serving Elevate Church as we encourage people to "Elevate God, Elevate Others, Elevate Yourself"


Pastors Mathias and Adilene Estrada
Our Pastors

What to Expect

  • To be greeted by a friendly face as you come in the door

  • To find a helpful and informative Information Desk that can answer any questions you may have

  • To find a safe, clean, and caring nursery for you little ones from 6 weeks old through Pre-K

  • To find fun and engaging classes for kids from Kindergarten through 6th grade

  • To be involved in a dynamic time of Praise and Worship

  • To hear a practical and relevant message from the Bible 

  • To meet a loving community of people ready to embrace you where you are

  • MOST OF ALL: to encounter a loving God that wants a relationship with you

What to Expect

What's Next?

Many times people come to a Church Service and have a great experience but leave with the question, "What's Next?" We understand that sometimes people that are left "wondering" become people who are "wandering." We want to make the process simple for you. If you've been to a Church Service and would like to get more involved in the life of Elevate Church there are a few "Next Steps" for you:


1) Guest Lunch: You and your family will be invited to a guest lunch. This is an opportunity for you to meet our staff, and more importantly, for us to get to know you!


2) Wednesday Service: This service has something for everyone, Elevate Kids (K-5th), Youth (6th-12th), and Adults. Come be apart of our family!


3) Serve:  We want to help you make this church, YOUR church! There are plenty of ministries to get involved in! Teams like Elevate Kids, Worship, and more need YOU! You can learn more at our guest lunch, or at the connections desk in the lobby.

4) Great Plains School of Ministry: Elevate Church is a member Church of the Great Plains Conference. The Great Plains Conference has a School of Ministry designed to train and equip people that feel a call to ministry.


It is our hope that you will find a way to connect with Elevate and grow deeper in your relationship with God.


What's Next?
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